The Prophets will be Vindicated

This Word Was Released 2/22/22 (This word was also released on the Elijah List)

God is about to restore abundantly above and beyond to the prophets, what the enemy tried to take from them. God says His prophets will be vindicated in this season!

Even as the enemy tried to destroy the prophets, God warns in Psalm 105:15  “ Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.”

For all of the suffering, for all of the judgement, for all the condemnation, for every negative word spoken about them. God says get ready for the turnaround!  Yes even as the prophets walked through the fire, even as the prophets walked through a time of testing, God says His righteous prophets passed the test, and now promotion and power will be their portion. A mighty revival of souls will be attributed to them, and great harvest will come as a result of how he is about to move through His righteous prophets!

Just as the White Horse In this painting is immersed in the water

The Righteous Prophets will be immersed in the living water! I see the Holy Spirit coming in like a Tsunami wave behind the prophets resulting in demonstrations of power. The kingdom it is not a matter of words, but Power! This display of power will result in a harvest of souls.

What will be released by the prophets will be caught by the body. As the body comes back into alignment it will begin to shine like light. A bride salty and full of light. The righteous bride, without spot or wrinkle. The righteous will go, and as they do, demons will flee, bondages will be broken, people will be saved, healed and delivered. 





As a creative and a revivalist one of the ways I love to share Gods heart is through prophetic art. In the beginning of 2021 I began to feel a stirring to paint a white horse, I wasn’t sure why I felt such a stirring but I knew the Lord had impressed it on my heart to do it, unknown to me at the time I would be working on a painting for the prophets, it was no coincidence that the Lord would use three different prophets over the course of the year to confirm and encourage me to complete this piece along the way. Looking back now it all makes sense, because the prophetic word connected to this piece would be one of importance for the prophets.

I leaned into the stirring I felt and sketched out a white horse on my newly purchased canvas, I even got as far as to paint the underpainting, but when I stepped back to look at my creation I felt like I was painting the wrong horse, so I painted over it and set the project aside. Right around that time a prophet released a word over me about having an encounter with a white horse, surprised by the word I told the prophet I had plans to paint a white horse, and that my first attempt had not gone according to plan. It turned out to be only a matter of weeks for the prophets word to come to pass. It was then that I realized the white horse I was meant to paint was the one from the encounter I’d had in the realm of the spirit.

Over the course of the year the project remained untouched, delayed by circumstance, until the end of 2021 when I began to feel the urgency on this piece, once again the Lord used another prophet to confirm what I knew needed to be done.

I set aside the time to paint and also to pray. Creativity has a way of opening up a revelatory realm, and while painting this horse, and taking time to pray into it, I understood what the Lord was wanting me to release creatively, and the message behind the white horse painting


I titled this piece the spirit of prophecy which I took from Revelation 19:10 which talks about the spirit of prophecy being the testimony of Jesus.

When you read Chapter 19 in the book of Revelation, you see a picture of Judgment and Righteousness. The Judgment of Babylon, the great harlot who corrupted the earth. You also see that the time for the wedding of the Lamb had come and  the bride that made herself ready, arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, representing the righteous acts of the saints.

Further along in the chapter you read about the rider who is called faithful and true, riding on a white horse, followed by the armies of heaven dressed in fine linen, riding on white horses.

As I read through this chapter it seemed like words and phrases jumped off the page trying to tell me they were connected to my white horse painting. 

Judgement, Righteousness, and the Spirit of Prophecy


I see God using the prophets in 2022 to release the spirit of prophecy, which is the testimony of Jesus, and as they do Righteousness will be released causing the lost to turn their hearts to Jesus and those who are backslidden to come back into alignment with God.

What does that mean exactly? 

Many think righteousness equates to following the law, but this is a religious mindset. Living under the law leads to death. If you live by the law, the law will require righteousness from you that you are unable to fulfill on your own, putting you in a position where you will be judged by that law, and law is an unforgiving Judge.

But the good news is that Jesus came that you may have life and life more abundantly.

Romans 8:3-5 tells us that God sent His only son in the form of sinful flesh to condemn sin in the flesh so that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

Matthew 5:17 tells us that Jesus did not come to abolish the law or the prophets, He came to fulfill them.


Romans 3:21-24 NIV

But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Righteousness does not come from our good deeds, our righteousness comes from our faith in what Jesus did for us! He did it all.

Jesus + nothing else = salvation

not Jesus + striving ,
or Jesus + how good we are
This is a religious mindset.

Does this mean as a child of God you can live however you want to then? No

It simply means we shift from obeying the law to obeying God! In essence we become slaves to righteousness.

Slaves to Righteousness

Romans 6:15-16
What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?

As the Prophets release the spirit of prophecy, a wave of fresh revelation will go out causing the body of Christ to come into back into alignment, back into right relationship and true intimacy with God.

The bride will begin to understand righteousness in a new way and this will bring life to the body.

the religious spirit will be broken off of many as well as works and striving. 


God is about to restore abundantly above and beyond to the prophets, what the enemy tried to take from them. God says His prophets will be vindicated in this season!

Even as the enemy tried to destroy the prophets, God warns in Psalm 105:15  “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.”

For all of the suffering, for all of the judgement, for all the condemnation, for every negative word spoken about them. God says get ready for the turnaround!  Yes even as the prophets walked through the fire, even as the prophets walked through a time of testing, God says His righteous prophets passed the test, and now promotion and power will be their portion. A mighty revival of souls will be attributed to them, and great harvest will come as a result of how he is about to move through His righteous prophets!

Just as the White Horse In the painting is emersed in the water

The Righteous Prophets will be emersed in the living water! I see the Holy Spirit coming in like a Tsunami wave behind the prophets resulting demonstrations of power. The kingdom it is not a matter of words, but Power! This display of power will result in a harvest of souls.

What will be released by the prophets will be caught by the body. As the body comes back into alignment it will begin to shine like light. A bride salty and full of light. The righteous bride, without spot or wrinkle. The righteous will go, and as they do, demons will flee, bondages will be broken, people will be saved, healed and delivered.

Bernice Scheidler

Revivalist | Prophetic Speaker & Teacher | Training & Equipping | Itinerant Ministry | facbook | Instagram ministry page
Instagram personal page |


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