Prophetic word for November : 'You will see RESTORATION, and you will make PROGRESS.’

Oct 30 2023

Prophetic word for November 2023

'You will see RESTORATION, and you will make PROGRESS

In a dream I had on October the 26th, 2023

I was standing in a room in front of a large table, with my arms stretched out in front of me, holding photo negatives in my hands. In my dream, the material of the negatives was so slippery they could not stick to anything, making it impossible for me to hold onto them. The negatives fell out of my hands and onto the floor.

Immediately, memories of events and people began to manifest in front of me (as though they entered the room I was in) with the word 'Restoration' written over them.

As the scenes unfolded in front of me, I turned around and walked in the other direction toward a glistening swimming pool and dove in with complete abandon, freedom, and joy.

End of dream.


Waking from the dream, the Lord showed me that many have been holding on to negative memories but that by His grace, He would cause those memories to become 'slippery' and unable to stick in their minds and hearts, making it impossible for them to continue holding onto them. However, this was not an unconditional promise; the way my arms were outstretched as I held the photo negatives in my dream appeared like I was reaching out. 

The Lord is asking those of you who have been holding onto negative memories to reach out to Him with those things; as you do, He will cause them to fall to the ground.

November will be a month of 'restoration and progress.

Something significant took place in my dream as negative memories were released, memories of past events, and people began to manifest into my present moment with the word 'Restoration' written over them. As you surrender the hurt, trauma, pain, anger, regret, grief, sadness, depression, rejection and anxiety hopelessness, weariness, and sickness to the Lord, connected to your past, the Lord will bring restoration into your present, bringing a complete turnaround for you that will bring you great freedom and joy!

God is going to restore your heart, soul, and body (Sozo)

You will also begin to see the restoration of God-ordained relationships.

Not all relationships from your past should be restored, but God is going to restore the relationships from your past that He still wants you to have in your life.

The word 'PROGRESS' has been ringing in my spirit for days.

 This month you will begin to make visible progress connected to new assignments, projects, and things the Lord has placed on your heart. The doors will begin to open, you will begin to feel the forward momentum.


"Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 3:13-14 (NIV):

I declare over you that you are moving forward. Those negative memories holding you back, keeping you bound, will fall to the ground! They lose all power over your life in Jesus' name! The enemy will no longer hamper your steps; you are going to run, and you will not stumble. The Lord is bringing you freedom and Joy. This is your season of making progress because God is doing a new thing! He has prepared a table for you and He has made a way for you. This is your time to see it!

 I release it over you now in the mighty name of Jesus.

Bernice Scheidler


Proverbs 4:12 (NIV):
"When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble."

 Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV):
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland

Bernice Scheidler

Revivalist | Prophetic Speaker & Teacher | Training & Equipping | Itinerant Ministry | facbook | Instagram ministry page
Instagram personal page |


Prophetic word : God is releasing the GOLD!


Prophetic word for October 2023: Angels on Assignment removing last season’s baggage.