God’s angels will respond to your decrees!

20 April 2023

God’s angels will respond to your decrees!

Praise Him in the storm!

Last night I had a dream. I was on a large plane getting ready for the landing when someone shouted: “The plane is diving!” We all felt the plane drastically tilt forward and realized it would not land on its wheels.

Immediately panic filled the plane. Some began to express their panic out loud, while others seemed frozen in fear. The plane hit the tarmac nose first and began to scrape at high speed along the runway; People were holding on tight as we heard scraping metal and (the sound of) exploding glass as windows started to shatter. It all happened so suddenly, yet it felt like I was experiencing it all in slow motion.

A faith I knew was not my own rose up on the inside of me, and scriptures began to roll out of my mouth like a river, one after the next, and then with a loud voice, I declared, “This is not the end! There is still work to be done!” I began praising God, declaring His goodness! Then, as I was declaring, I looked and saw large Angels, larger than the plane, appear on either side of the plane; they had a form but looked like vibrating vapor. Immediately they steadied the plane and lifted it back onto its wheels, and it completed its landing like nothing had ever happened. Peace filled the plane, and everyone was calm and completely unharmed. We all got off the plane and walked across the runway right away to board the next plane waiting for us.


Waking up from the dream, I heard.

“Praise Him in the storm!”

Isaiah 43:2
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

I felt the Lord showing me that many have been in a place of transition and are about to embark on the next leg of their journey, but as they have been getting ready to land this last season, they have experienced unexpected trauma. It appears they are going down, and everything will come crashing to the ground. Some are verbally expressing their panic, while others have become silent, overwhelmed, and not sure what to do.

God says to PRAISE HIM in the storm.

He is causing faith to arise in you, which will create a boldness to praise Him amid your storm! As you do, His angels will respond to your praise and decrees!

They will come and steady the landing of this season, bring calm to your circumstance, and assist in completing the landing, so much so it will be like nothing had ever happened; you will leave this season completely unharmed and walk straight into the next.

I declare over you that you would praise him in the storm.
This is not the end for you! There is still work to be done.
His angels will respond!

I release it over you now in Jesus’ name.

Bernice Scheidler

Revivalist | Prophetic Speaker & Teacher | Training & Equipping | Itinerant Ministry
www.bernicescheidler.com | facbook | Instagram ministry page
Instagram personal page | Bernicescheidlerart.com




I heard the Lord say MARANATHA! MARANATHA!