Fruitfulness and multiplication

This Word Was Released on March 23 2023 (This word was also published on Elijah List 09/04/23)

Prophetic dream | 19 March 2023

You will step into Fruitfulness and Multiplication during the Easter Period

The lady was incredibly excited as she handed this fruit to me and said!

“It is a gift that has come straight from heaven.”


I had a dream I was standing in a large conference center, there were ministers and friends in the building with me. The windows of this conference center overlooked the mission field of nations.

A lady came up to me in the dream and handed me a fruit, it looked like an apple. The apple looked like it had been carved out by the finest craftsman. It had a breathtaking scene carved out of it, in the flesh of the apple, except it had not been touched by anyone it had grown on the tree just like that.

The lady was incredibly excited as she handed this fruit to me and said! “It is a gift that has come straight from heaven.”

As I looked at it I was amazed, I noticed a bunny sitting on a rock carved out in the apple, which formed the focal point of this beautiful fruit.

I walked over to a minister I knew well who was looking out the window at the mission field and showed Him this fruit that had come from heaven. I was so amazed by this gift I ran into the conference room to find a friend of mine to show her the fruit too. She was as amazed.

I then began clearing the conference room to make it ready for the event that was about to take place! I picked up an ottoman and opened up a door in the floor to the basement, and I noticed that the basement that had originally been piled up with dusty boxes and old clutter had been completely cleared out!

I left the room to get dressed for the meeting on my return to the event.

The landscaper, who had been watering the grounds saw me heading into the conference room and began to spray water at me with the hose! He was playful, and laughing. Then the minister that had been looking out the window to the mission field grabbed the hose and began playfully spraying me with it too! trying to get me to laugh! A playful spirit entered into Conference Centre and I began to laugh. I could feel the heaviness, weight, and worry that had been riding in the atmosphere being washed away.


Bunnies are often symbolic of multiplication, and fruitfulness

Yesterday I went out for breakfast with my husband and the table we were seated at had a glass bunny on the window sill, I figured they decorated for Easter.

This restaurant serves its hot beverages in a variety of different mismatched mugs and as I sipped on my chai, I noticed a bunny emblem painted on the inside wall of my mug. I smiled, knowing God was showing me the connection between the bunny in my dream and the season we are entering into.

Bunnies are often symbolic of multiplication, fruitfulness, and fertility because they are rapid breeders.

As I pondered this dream in my heart the Lord showed me that over the Easter period, He is releasing to us a gift from Heaven.

It is the gift of fruitfulness and multiplication.

Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Genesis 1:28 NKJV

You will begin to see evident fruit

You will begin to notice the things you have been working on that carry Kingdom purpose, becoming very fertile, causing abundant fruit.

The Lord says the things you put your hand to for Kingdom advancement will bring rapid multiplication.

It is not about title or position, it is about Kingdom advancement both within the church and marketplace.

We will begin to see evident fruit produced by spiritual fathers and spiritual mothers who have poured into spiritual sons and daughters.

We will begin to see spiritual fathers and mothers become more fertile than ever before, birthing healthy spiritual sons and daughters.

The Lord will bring anointed ones into your life to add to what He is doing in your life, they will further saturate you, until you are drenched in the purposes and promises of God!

The weights and worries of the past season are being washed away and a new level of joy is being imparted to you.

God says look at the nations, they are ripe for Harvest!

You will be amazed by the fruit you will see both coming out of Kingdom gatherings within the walls of buildings as well as on the mission field, throughout the nations.

The Lord says “While you were getting ready for what I am going to do, I have been watering the ground.” making it ready, making it fertile.

Over the easter period, God is going to saturate you. The weights and worries of the past season are being washed away and a new level of joy is being imparted to you.

There has been a clearing away of the chaos and clutter from your life. Old things that are no longer beneficial for this season have been removed, making room for multiplication and advancement.

God is building His church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it!

Multiplication will be found standing firmly on the Rock of Jesus Christ.

And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 16:18 ESV

I release this gift of multiplication and fruitfulness from Heaven over your life in Jesus’ name!


Bernice Scheidler

Bernice Scheidler

Revivalist | Prophetic Speaker & Teacher | Training & Equipping | Itinerant Ministry | facbook | Instagram ministry page
Instagram personal page |


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